Sunday, November 6, 2011

Yahoo Messenger Password Hacker Cracker Stealer Breaker

Below post is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY. If you try to misuse it, you will have to pay heavy price like this person of the most frequently asked question is how to hack yahoo or how to hack an Email password. There are several programs known as keyloggers that can be used to hack yahoo or any other email password. Even though these softwares are not meant to hack yahoo or any other email passwords, they can still be used to hack yahoo passwords or passwords of any other email account.There are number of sites which provide information to hack yahoo, hotmail etc.. So what’s special about this site? The only special about this site is that we do not bluff and mislead readers. We actually teach you how to track someone’s email...

Windows XP Task Manager Disabled By Virus / Administrator

You will get task manager disabled message in following two circumstances:1. When you right click on task ...

How to enable task manager in Windows Vista/ XP [Registry/regedit]

For Other Windows XP Home Version Users:If you don't have Windows XP Professional, then you'll need to edit the registry manually.Click Start, then click Run, type in regedit, and click on OK.Expand these registry keys in turn:• HKEY_CURRENT_USER• Software• Microsoft• Windows• CurrentVersion• Policies• SystemYou should see something similar to th...

How to disable task manager in Windows Vista/ XP [Group policy/gpedit]

• Select option Enabled and it will prevent users to monitor tasks and services running in the system.Task ManagerPermanent Li...

How to disable task manager in Windows Vista/XP [Registry/RegEdit]

• In order for this to take effect, you may need to restart your system.The next time anyone tries to call the Task Manager, they’ll see an err...

Hack Orkut Photos | Orkut Album Hack

Orkut has recently updated it’s security feature and disabled Right-click option on photos of friend’s album. So this makes it difficult to copy / download photos from Orkut. It’s a new security update made by Orkut to prevent people from copying photos from Orkut and misusing it. So what to do now? Keep ReAdInG :)...

Orkut Scrap Flooder | Orkut Scrapbook Flooding | Hacking Tricks

Orkut Scrapbook Trick: Tired of sending scraps multiple times? Check out following step-wise procedure to send large amount of scraps in less time span in Orkut -1. Open your scrapbook or your friends scrapbook 2. Enter message in textbox (in Given Blank Area) which you want to flood in your scrapbook or friends scrapbook.3. Copy below javascript code in Address bar of your scrapbook or your friends scrapbook and then press Enter.After pressing Enter, your current page starts reloading again and again that means your orkut scrapbook flooder is working. Now if you want stop this flooder then just click on other link or just close that window and then check scrapbook. You will see so many scraps in Scrapbook.Orkut Scrap Flooder Javascript Cod...

Protect Orkut Account From Hacking

Normal user who are unaware of programming techniques can easily be victim of orkut account hacks. To avoid this follow the guidelines given below:1.  Never try to login/access your Orkut account from sites other than  Never click on any links from the sources you don’t trust while accessing your Orkut account.(or while accessing any other Google services like Gmail,Blogger etc.)3.  Delete any links on your scrapbook, no matter if a known or unknown person have sent it.4.  Never disclose your orkut login details with anyone.5.  Never ever use Javascripts on Orkut, no matter whatever it claims to do.Get satisfied with the services provided by default! Avoid using third party Scripts which might be malicious.6.  Never get excited to see a site claiming...

Orkut Password Recovery | Solution For Hacked Orkut Account

If you have forgotten your orkut password or somebody hacked your orkut account, in such a case you can follow below instructions to recover your orkut password:1.  Reset Your Google Account Password:Type the email address associated with your Google Account or Gmail user name at - you will receive an email at your secondary email address with a link to reset your Google Account Password. This will not work if the other person has changed your secondary email address or if you no longer have access to that address.2.  For Google Accounts Associated with Gmail:If you have problems while logging into your Gmail account, you can consider contacting Google by filling this form. It however requires you to remember the exact date when you created that Gmail...

Orkut Fake Login Page | Orkut Phishing Technique

Check out the following steps to create fake login page for orkut:1.  Download the fake page and need ed file from here…  Open kanoor.php with notepad3.  Edit the line “$handler...

Hack Orkut Account | Orkut Password Hacker Cracker Stealer Breaker

Below post is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY. If you try to misuse it, you will have to pay heavy price similar to this person uses a 4 Level Orkut login which makes it difficult to hack orkut account: First Level - Security-SSL or 128 bit secured connectionSecond Level - Google account checks for cookie in the system of user Third Level - Google provides a redirection to the entered User information Fourth Level - Google doesn’t use conventional php/aspx/asp coding. So it is impossible to hack Orkut using input validation attack!!!It is not an easy task to hack Orkut by breaking this security! But still some people manage to get access to other’s Orkut accounts. The question concerned is how they do it? Many of them just use...

Hack Facebook Photos | Hack Facebook Album | Hack Facebook Images

There are three ways by which you may hack facebook photo album of your friend or other person.:: Trick 1 ::1. Log into facebook account. 2. Find the person's unique profile ID. - Search for them and click view friends or send message. - Write the unique ID from the address bar (only the numbers) or copy it in notepad.3. Now that you have your unique profile ID you can use the next two links to view a total of 40 tagged photos:If you wish to see tagged photos added by others use this link:

Win-Spy Monitor Keylogger Tutorial Help, Free Download

Win-Spy Monitor Keylogger Features:1) What is Win Spy Software?WinSpy is a Complete Stealth Monitoring Software that can both monitor your Local PC and Remote PC. Win Spy Software operates in stealth mode. Win-Spy will not show in Add/Remove Programs, Windows Start, Taskbar, Task Manager, Processes or in Program Files Folder. Win-Spy can either be used for you Home or Office.Win-Spy is a complete Local and Remote monitoring package that includes everything below for one low price: Breakdown is as follows: Local PC Monitoring comes with:Screen CaptureWebCam ShotsKeyloggerEmailer for Keylog, Screen Capture and ReportsKeylog Alert with Emailer Reports - WebSites Visited Summary - Websites Visited Detail - Time On Internet - Dual Side Conversations - Unauthorized Login AttemptFolder HiderClear...

Use TV as Computer PC Monitor | Use Television as Second Monitor

A regular TV display has around 640x480 resolutions. Many video cards in computers don't go down to 640x480 any more. 800x600 is a common starting point, hence such computer resolutions simply won't work on a normal TV. To overcome such problem, you can use one of the following solutions:Using S-Video Connect...

Use Computer Monitor as TV | PC Monitor as Television


How to Increase Broadband Connection Speed in Windows XP/Vista

This trick requires Standard Network Interface cards (NIC) that are connected to ADSL modems, or when using any directly-connected USB ADSL modem.To speed up the Internet connection speed we need to configure a special buffer in the computer's memory in order to enable it to better deal with interrupts made from the NIC or the USB modem.This tip is only recommended if you have 256MB RAM or higher.Step 1 - Identify the IRQ used by the NIC/USB modemFollow these steps:1. Open the System Information tool by running MSINFO32.EXE from the Run command.2. Expand System Summary...

How To View Private Facebook Profiles Pages

Many times we come across an interesting profile on facebook but don't have access to see the profile of that person. Check out here how to view private facebook profiles pages:Trick 1:In search results from the Facebook database of users, you can see the thumbnail of the person's picture along with three options on right side. Click on the second option "Send a Message" and just send the person an interesting comment that they couldn't resist replying to. "Were you at the party last night?" or “Hey! We went to school together, do you remember me? I think we sat together in Algebra”, something to that effect....

What Does It Mean To Poke Someone On Facebook?

What is a Poke?A poke is a facebook application that has been added to every account on facebook. On your homepage, a small box on the right hand side called "Pokes" is visible if anyone has poked you. The pokes are nothing but small images of a hand with a finger pointing, and displays the person's name who sent the poke to you.Pokes can be just a way to say hello / hi to anybody on Facebook. You can send pokes to anyone, not just your friends and anyone can poke you as well.To poke someone, go to the person's Facebook profile page and click on the "Poke" link beneath his or her profile picture. You'll get a pop-up message asking for confirmation. Once confirmed, the poke is se...

How To Hack Myspace Account | Myspace Password Hacker Cracker Stealer Breaker

Below post is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY. If you try to misuse it, you will have to pay heavy price similar to this person

How To View Private Myspace Profiles Pages, Comments, Pictures, Friends, Videos

These videos will help you to view private myspace profiles pages, comments, pictures, friends and videos ... EnJoY!!! myspacePermanent Li...

Hack Bebo Account | Bebo Password Hacker Cracker Stealer Breaker

Bebo is UK's one of the top social networking sites. It is not an easy task to hack Bebo by breaking this security! But still some people manage to get access to other’s Bebo accounts. The question concerned is how they do it? Many of them just use simple tricks that fool users and then they themselves leak out their password.Following are 6 Bebo hacking methods:1. Phishing:Like all other social networks, Bebo is mainly hacked by Bebo phishers i.e. fake Bebo login pages. Phishing is most favorite and can be said “easiest” way of hacking Bebo account passwords. What you have to do is simply send a link to fake Bebo login page (prepared by you) to victim and ask him to login to his Bebo account by fake Bebo login page (phisher). Once, he login to Bebo account using Bebo login Phisher, his Bebo...

Best iPhone JailBreak Apps List 2009

Check out latest iphone jailbreak apps:GV MobileWith GV Mobile and a Google Voice phone number you can do the following:- Dial numbers via the iPhone address book or typing on the keypad- Full SMS support (view historic, reply, send new)- Retrieve and delete recent call history- Playback and delete voicemails- Take calls from different phones other than your iPhone- Enable or disable the phones that Google Voice forwards calls to- Add or delete phones that Google Voice forwards call toBackgrounderBackgrounder allows you to multitask App Store apps on your iPhone in the background. Yes, you heard me correctly, you can now listen to Pandora while you are in your favorite App Store app! This is your perfect opportunity to show Palm Pre owners how it’s done. Just press and hold the home key while...

How to Delete / Remove Friends on Facebook?

Face book is one of the top social networking sites in United States. Many people join it for finding new friends, old childhood friends, business partners etc.After creating account in face book you may get friend request from people you don’t know. If you add them, later on after some chats you may think that certain person is not type of friend you are seeking. Now the question arises ‘how to delete this annoying person from my friend list?’There are two ways by which you can delete the unwanted friend from your face book friend list:Solution 1:1.  Go to person’s face book profile2.  On left hand side there is one link named ’Remove from Frien...

Hard Drive not Recognized/ Found/ Detected/ Accessible

If you install a new hard drive and install an Operating System on it and it suddenly acts like it is not there, it may be a loose connection.If a bootable CD, such a s Knoppix, is not able to read your hard drive, it can have several causes. The list of possibilities below can also be used for troubleshooting hard drives, floppy drives, and CD/DVD drives.CAUTION: Make sure the power is off and that the PC is disconnected from power. Also be sure to avoid static electricity, or you will need a new PC. Do not force any thing. All parts should easily fit together if they are properly aligned. Sometimes you may have to push or pull harder than you think. Just be careful to make sure any levers or buttons that hold it in place are not overlooked....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Play Snake game on Youtube

Here is a small easteregg for Youtube. You can play popular snake game on videos just by pressing UP and LEFT arrow keys togeather and you can play snake game like thi...

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