Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Installing Nvidia Drivers in UBUNTU 8.04

Simple way to install Graphics drivers
I've searched the net to update my NVIDIA card driver in UBUNTU
The simplest Process is:

  1. Open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update
  2. Type sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx
  3. Type sudo apt-get upgrade
  4. Type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
    • Select the nvidia driver from the X server driver list and follow the on-screen steps to complete the configuration
  5. Once finished with the configuration, hold down Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to restart X server. You should be presented with a nice NVIDIA splash screen signaling that the driver is installed and working
  6. You can test this in the terminal by typing glxinfo | grep direct (the output should be direct rendering: yes)
  7. You can also type glxgears to watch your card at work


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