Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Free Recharge" Scam on Orkut

Alert if you're looking for a free recharge code on Orkut. Scammers are tricking Orkut users into pasting malicious JavaScript code in their browser's address bar, with the promise of receiving a free recharge code for their mobile phones. Users who fall for the scam end up with their Google login credentials stolen.
It all starts with users receiving a link on Orkut that takes them to a website displaying a big banner that reads: "Recharge your mobile here!" According to information presented on this page, the user will receive a free recharge code in their Orkut scrapbook if they copy and paste some JavaScript code into the address bar.

Doing so will force the browser to access a shortened URL. "That triggers a big page of javascript code located at orkutaddict(dot)net/freerecharge/dpd(dot)js. At this point, the path branches off depending on whether you’re logged into Orkut or not," 

If you're not login to your Google account or Okrut, you'll see a JavaScript alert instructing to log in to Orkut account in order to receive the promised free code that recharges their call credit. After closing this alert, you'll be taken to a phishing page displaying a fake Google Account sign-in form. And you'll loose your Google/Orkut account details at this point. Such type of Orkut scan is popular in India.
Dont Click on any such  links in orkut few examples are shown below.



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