1.which university u r going?
2.why this university?
3.do u know which state this univ is located?
4.what are ur future plannings?
5.Wat do u know bout the place and University u r heading to?
6.what is ur course there?
7.what is ur back ground in undergraduation?
8.Well what is ur university fee?
9.How r u going to pay ur tution fee?
10.what is ur father?
11.Wat is his income? (pm and pa)
12.How long he has been working?
13.When is he retiring?
14.Show me ur bank transaction. (pass book)
15. Show the bank statement.
16.Any siblings?
17.Any siblings in USA?
18. Wats ur mother?
19.Show the IT returns of the sponsor.
20.Are you employed?
22.Show the proof of employment.
23.How much do you earn?
24.Why did u choose US ?
25.Show the summary statement.
26.how many univs have u applied to?
27.Show ur GRE and TOEFL scores.
28.Brief me on ur assets.
29.wat were ur grades for ur undergrad?
30.Why is the score less in undergrad?
31.Why is the GRE score low?
32.show me ur certificaties..
33.How or Where did u get to know about this particular University?
34.Any backlogs in UG?
35.when did you complete your graduation?
36.Wat were u doing till now?
37.how many universities did u apply?
38.who is sponsoring you?
39.Shw the CA statement.
40.Which university are you from?
41.what is u'r undergraduate percentage?
42.what is u'r specialization in computer science?
43.How many admits?
44.Why not the same course in your country?
45.What will you do after your study?
46.How much savings do u have in INDIA ?
47.I am not convinced about ur financial status.
48.Is there anything else you want to show me?
49.Why are you living your current job/Why are you spending amt instead
of gaining?
50.How much do u have in your accounts?
51.Will u use all your savings for your education?
Why the specified University.
* Which Universities did you apply to (both admits and rejects).
* Show me your GRE scorecard.
* Where did you Undergraduate from.
* Who is sponsoring you.
* What does your father do.
* What is your father's Income.
* How many brothers and sisters do you have.
* Do you have any relatives in USA.
* Why don't you do this course in your country?
* What will you do after completing MS.
* Show your Experience Certificate.
* Why Study in USA.
* Did you got Scholarships.
* Have you got any Loans.
* Show your Pass Books/Bank statements.
* What is your Undergraduate GPA/Percentage..
* Parents retired? How will they pay.
* Tell about your university.
* Mention some professor names
* Tell me how can you prove that you are gonna come back ...
* Where did your brother/parents completed their studies.
* What's your Religion.
* Why are you leaving your current job?
* Have you ever been to US?
* What will you do after coming back to Home.
* You have so...brothers and sisters so your fathers saving is for
all how will u finance..
* Where do your parents live (If they live in USA).
* Do you know anyone (in USA) in your University?
* Do you know anyone in US?
* What will you do if your Visa is rejected.
* Will you come back to home during summers.
* What do you think. Why University is giving Scholarship to you...
1. Why the specified university?
2. Which universities did you apply to? (both admits and rejects)
3. Which universities accepted you?
4. Where have you done your under-graduation?
5. Who is sponsoring you?
6. What does your father do?
7. What is your father's income?
8. How many brother and sisters do you have?
9. Do you have any relatives in USA?
10. What will you do after completing MS? What are your plans after
11. Show your experience certificate?
12. Why study in USA?
13. Did you get any scholarship?
14. Have you got any loans?
15. Show your Pass Book/ Bank Statement?
16. What is your undergraduate GPA/Percentage?
17. Tell about your university?
18. Mention some professor's names?
19. Tell me how you can prove that you are going to come back?
20. Where did your brother/ parents complete their studies?
21. Why are you leaving you current job? (if you are working)
22. Have you ever been to US?
23. What will you do after coming back?
24. Where do your parents live?
25. Do you know anyone (in USA) in your university?
26. What will you do if your visa is rejected?
27. Will you come home during summer?
28. Why do you think the university is giving you a scholarship?
29. Why do you wish to study in the USA and not in India?
30. If you have changed your field of specialization (for e.g. If you are BE
Mechanical and opting of MS in Computer Science) then tell the reasons !!!
31. How will you finance your education for 2years or 3 years? (generally you
have to prove that you can fund the first year of your education but we
suggest that you be prepared with this answer)
32. Do you have a brother/ sister, or any other relative already at this
33. Tell me about yourself?
34. What are your hobbies?
35. Where do you plan to be 5 years from now?
36. Tell about your achievements?
37. What are your strengths?
38. What are your weaknesses?
39. How did you prepare for this interview?
40. Describe your dream career?
41. Why this university and not other universities?
42. Why do you plan to do MS?
43. Your passbook shows that a large amount of money has recently been
deposited? How do you explain that?
44. Why are your GRE/ TOEFL scores low?
45. You look like a potential immigrant or I don't think you will come back?
46. What do you know about US education?
47. Why are you applying for Fall only?
48. What is your Major?
49. When and where did you get your bachelor's degree?
50. What are you doing now?
51. How long will you study in USA?
52. What is your academic background?
53. What is your purpose for visa?
54. How do you know about this university?
55. Give 5 reasons that you will come back to India?
56. Why won't you stay in states?
57. Can you explain why 90% of students didn't come back?
58. Can you promise that you will not be attracted?
59. Why did you choose US but not Canada or Germany?
60. What kind of good things do you know about America?
61. What is your best/ worst quality?
62. What do you do in your spare time?
63. What is the thing that you like best in America?
64. What is the thing that you like best in India?
65. How does your study benefit India?
66. When are you going to enter US?
67. What if you don't get the job you are planning for?
68. What will your salary be then?
69. Where will you live?
70. What is your father's salary? / How long has he been working here?
71. What is your university yearly expense?
72. How do you plan to pay the fees?
73. Do you plan to study Ph D after MS?
74. What is your mother?
75. Which firm will employ you in India, mention names and status of job?
76. Why did you apply to these universities?
77. These subjects are also taught in other universities also but why this university?
78. What is your father's monthly income?
79. Why will he spend entire money on you?
80. Do you have a car? If yes, what is the number?
81. Will you return to India, if yes why?
82. What do you expect after returning back?
Interview Tips
1. What is the purpose of the trip or Which University?
-> Answer to this question will lead to other questions -> which
program/ how many schools have you applied?
2. How many universities did you apply to?
• You do not have to be Mr. Truth be Mr. Confident.
• Never say any things like just one admit and never say you have
applied to only one university.
3. Why this university / Why is this your first choice?
• Program offered by the University is good / Ranking of the university
• Projects / Research going on in the university
40.Where will you stay in the US and who will come to pick you up?
A>I will stay on -campus in the university.Once I get the visa I'll inform the university officials and then their representative will come to pick.
41.Why should I grant your visa? / What if I dont grant you the visa?
A>I have come here with positive attitude and I have fulfilled all the requirements.Your decision will change my career so I think you should grant me the visa.
Here is a collection of the most commonly asked visa interview questions with their answers. Do go through them before your interview.
1. How many universities did you apply to?
This is a very basic question, but linked to this is the second question that is shot at you.
2. How many admits/ rejects?
As explained in the above question, both of these are interlinked. Now if you applied to 4, were accepted in 1 and got 3 rejects..you don't have to be Mr. TRUTH. So put it as applied to 4, got 1, awaiting 2, 1 reject or applied to 4, got 1, awaiting 3.But then you have to state as in Question 3. that this was supposed to be your first choice anyhow, so even if you would have had the admit letters from any of the other 3, you would certainly have gone for this one. But if you are one of those type who offered to 1 and got just 1, don't go about saying that!!! Say you applied to 4 ,got 1, awaiting 3..put up the other univ's names;-) coz they think that someone who has applied to just one univ isn't really serious about his admissions and so isn't interested in educational purpose..which means a direct reject. If you applied to 11, got from just one..better say that you applied to just 4 or 5, and one reject, one admit and rest awaited. Many a times its better not to carry the reject letters, though some people advise so, but the thing is some univs reject on totally baseless matters.
What U will Do if ur Visa is Rejctd..
this is very tricky question.so please deal carefully.
iam fulling all the requirements of visa and univ.I have sufficient bankbalance to fund my education.i have clear cut plans to come back to india.I am sure i ll be absorbed in one the mncs like ibm oracle etc etc.I beleive genuine studnet like me u wont be rejectd . EVen if i dint convince u , its up to u to decide .
And i ll analyse wher i have gone wrong to convice u and apply once again.
Y should i issue a visa ?
I am fulling all the requirements of visa and univ.I have sufficient bankbalance to fund my education.i have clear cut plans to come back to india.I am sure i ll be absorbed in one the mncs like ibm oracle etc etc.I beleive genuine studnet like me .. wont be rejectd . I was thoroughly qualified and has the enough reasons to get d visa..
3. What was your first choice?
The answer to this question also is dependant on the earlier one.
4. What is your GRE/TOEFL score?
As per your details. But always try to speak out the better score first. Like if you have a good TOEFL score ,say 630, and a GRE of 1750, speak out your TOEFL first and then GRE. Usually people think, they can go and lead them by answering long and sweet, like if asked for scores, the long answer might be : "Sir, I took my Computer based TOEFL and scored 270 at it, while I took the GRE and scored 800 in Quantitative, 710 in Analytical and 430 in Verbal". Well this can heat up the officer. He/She might feel you are taking him for ride ..even if you are not. So keep it short. So let the answer be : " TOEFL 270, GRE : 1940". Thats it!!..as much as he asked for. Makes his job easier and so he doesn't get pissed off at any of your leading behaviors.
5. What are your grades like?
Spell it out as it has been at your university. Say "Sir, We have a percentage system, and i scored xx% overall" IF your final year marks excel the other sems marks, spell that one out, coz usually in some universities, they look at the final year marks to grade the student in the Certificate.When later asked as to why u said XX% whereas the total marks of all your marksheets add up to XX-5/10% then clarify yourself...(They wont always go checking all your marksheets, but then you weren't lying)
6. Which was your undergraduate college?
As per your details.
7. What was your bachelor's degree in?
As per your details.
8. What is the purpose of your trip?
MS in CS/Telecommunications/EE...whatever or PhD in MEch/
9. Which university are you planning to go to?
The University of your choice and the univ you want the VISA for.
10.Who is planning to sponsor you?
As mentioned in your I-20. If you have a scholarship, say that. Else in case the I-20 says "Family funds" say that, and you may add that sir, my father and my mother are supporting me for my higher education.
11.Why do you plan to do MS?
Say that you felt that higher qualifications give a better place, a better standard in today's competitive world. You felt that you have a good know-how of your field, but a bit more technical knowledge in "the field you are going for MS in" will serve you greatly, when you come back here and join the industry of your choice
12.Why do you wish to study in the US and not in India?
The courses in the field I am interested in are not being offered (or very few institutions offer such courses). In addition to that the research going on is something I would like to be associated with. (Speak about the facilities as well). Talk about a few researches being conducted in that field. Technical words work out when other things don't.
13. Why did u select this University?
This question can be best answered when you do a bit of homework about you university. Browse the website of the University, visit the pages of the professors, go through their projects. Now remember some of the key words, like the project a professor X is working on. Mention something about the project if the officer is listening and is giving you time to explain. When you do such things, they think that you are pretty serious about your studies and are really into it. Well, some people believe in mentioning about the rank of the university, or the student to faculty ratio..well these all things don't affect how you are interested in it. You can say all these stuff such as rank and all, but you have to state what interested you and it should be something about research or academics. You can also show letters of correspondence with your University professors. If you don't have those, build some.
14. Your passbooks show that a large amount of money has recently been deposited. How would you explain that?
(NOBODY keeps huge sums of money in their savings account, so relax! If you have borrowed the money here is what you could do Its quite likely that in the past you may have received huge sums of money like selling of some property, retirement of parents etc so u could say something like) In year X we had received Rs. T and instead of depositing the amount in a bank at a low interest rate, we invested it in other sources which gave us high interest rates or we gave it to our needy friends. Now we have taken this money back to finance my education. (Of course its really dicey to answer this question, but if you are confident you shouldnt have a problem. If you have some proof of receiving a huge sum of money some years back, make sure you carry it)
You can also say that you had private FDs , i.e you invested in private firms coz they provide higher interest rates (say out figures like 16% per annum0 as compared to the mere 9% of banks. You can show a receipt and say that now you encashed that amount, coz you needed it for your educational purposes.
15. What does your father do? What if my dad has taken the VR?
Well this does have a specific reply, but then you can put it as "Sir, My father is working with a German collaborated company for the past 25 years as a Manager in XYZ department. The long reply helps over here. If your father has taken a voluntary retirement, dont mention that he has retired. Well there are two approaches to this. One, say that your father worked with this company for the last 30 years and now has his own consultancy dealing with(insert some financial or technical terms). Two, Say that your father worked as Asst Mgr./Mgr./GM with some company for the past 25 years, took a VR and now has a consultancy of his own. Never show him to be idle, coz that means your income has drastically reduced and works as a negative point. Stating about the VR often helps coz then you can assure him that most of the money you have shown is yours coz usually people get huge amounts on taking a VR. So that does help on the financial grounds.
16. Does any of your relative stay in the US?
The answers to this vary from person to person. The two basic replies being: Either "YES" or "NO". But I believe that you be truthful at this instance. I have seen many people who have been true and werent affected by that.
In fact at an USEFI seminar, addressed by the Consulate Officer.. it was said by the officer himself that," We know that most of the student will end up staying there after completing their studies, but atleast we can do our part of skimming them. We can atleast play the part of sieving across the deserving people and not every pedestrian."
This means that they evaluate you on the basis of your merits and not by what the person staying abroad is going to do for you. And the financial part is because they want to be assured that you can atleast go through your studies fully.
It just happens that many a times, they check your file..based on details provided in your passport, and if they do apprehend you lying, that might spell trouble. So, I think telling the truth is the best thing.
If your uncle or cousin or distant aunt stays there, you dont have to say "YES" coz that doesnt matter. All that matters is your immediate relatives ..i.e own brother, sister , father or mother.
18.Why is your GRE score low ? (or any section score low)
This is the most preferred answer.I answered the first few questions incorrectly and I couldn't improve my score later even after performing well later. (Low = <1800 Otherwise you can say that you think your score is average and on the basis of that the university has given you the admission). You can also mention that "This score is considered to be ideal for the Engineers(if you are one)..or according to what you are. You can always build up a story , saying that the GRE Score interpretor sheet says that. Such as Engineers don't need to have an extra ordinary VERBAL Score, If the other sections complement it, you can show that the other sections are stressed upon by universities while selection for admission(Say this only when you think the situation is getting tense).
If you have a low VERBAL score, but a good TOEFL score, you can always say that "Please look at my TOEFL score Sir, I have done well at that". Besides GRE is just one of the many aspects that the universities look at for admission(Say this line only when you think you are drowning).
19. What are you plans after Graduation?
Be really well prepared for this question. This answer is not fool proof, but its you who can make it seem so. The basic things are:
Your field is what you will pursue
Your field is on a roll in INDIA
Your field has great opportunities
You get those opportunities even now
You get better opportunities once you do your MS
Show foreign companies coming to INDIA investing in your field
State some technical words expressing the advancements in your field
Make it seem, this field wont go ahead without guys like you ;)
21. What is your father's annual income?
This question often decides your ability to pay for your expenses. They think that money can be put into banks, but annual income is a proof which they heavily rely upon to decide the student's parents capability to spend for his educational expenses.
Whatever the officer asks. 1) What is your father's annual income? 2). What is your family's annual income?..The moment the words 'Annual Income" creeps in, state your complete family annual income, i.e if your mother is also an earning member, if you have agricultural income, if you ahve rental income plus the interests and dividends...State all of them together. Dont commit the blunder of stating just your father's income..many a times it hampers your chances..if it seems low to them. Obviously a sum of mother's income , your father's income, agricultural(if u have), ental will be more than a single one. And if they ask for the IT returns , hand over both of your parent's return statements, plus the agricultural papers plus the rental receipt(duplicate) at a time. And if he/she just argues(usually they dont) that you were asked about your father's income..then say" Sir, MY family is sponsoring me. Alongwith my father my mother is also an earning member and an income tax payee. Family funds is what the I-20 states, and so my family including my father and mother(opt brother, if u have one earning) are sponsoring me and here are their statements and proofs of other modes of income.
22.You look like Potential immigrants OR I dont think you will come back to India
This is a real tricky question. Many get blue when they hear this and lose their senses as how to tackle this question. Stay calm and think what all you can say like :"I am from a very well-to do family and money is not at all essential for me. I stand to inherit a lot from my parents (say this if u have lots of property) so staying and working in the US is not a criteria at all. The only thing i lack is this Masters (or whatever degree) which will make me a better software professional. As far as opportunity is concerned, because of the recession most of the US Companies are turning to the Indian companies for their software solutions. Most of the Indian companies have tie-ups with the US Companies (give some examples). So I am certain that with my degree I will get an equivalent opportunity and pay packet in India.
The Most Important Factor
Let me tell you something. The most important factor is "CONFIDENCE". Nothing can depose that. Whatever the answer be, if you are confident and show that you aren't nervous a bit, that will really help you get through. Complete Documents, Convincing Skills, Confidence and Present mindedness is what you have to invest. These are the keys to getting through the interview successfully. Many do get through because of sheer luck, when some of the casual officers just seem to be in a hurry to get through with the troop of VISA aspirants facing their counter.
But then I believe that your parents do all the job of putting together all the financial documents and stuff. The only thing you need to do is to put a confident self of yours over there.
These are not the only questions that are asked, they might come up with any other alien stuff. But then present mindedness and spontaneity is what helps under those situations. You have to be prepared with an answer the moment he shoots a question at you.
Don't make a face as if you just committed a sin. Hand over the documents and look at him. Remember , all your documents are as genuine as your Birth-Certificate ;).
* Rehearse the answers to common and specific questions either by taping your answers or by attending a mock interview with your friends and have their opinions and reviews and if you feel you are lacking at some points, try to improve them till you become perfect.
* Know your strengths and weaknesses, and then try to overcome them in interviews by good preparation and practice beforehand. Practice makes perfect.
*Practice to speak clearly and slowly, naturally (as you speak always), so that interviewer can understand what you are saying. Your answers should reflect clarity of thought and clarity of your intentions. Don't talk too fast sacrificing clarity; Don't be dragging either. Avoid mannerisms such as "you see", "I mean", "Sort of" "Ya Ya". When you want to differ with VO or want to present a different view to VO, use phrases such as "Let us look at this from a different angle" and present your views.
* Read your financial documents thoroughly and ask yourself possible questions from them. You should be able to defend and support your documents be it Academics, qualifying exams scores and financial documents in all ways possible.
* Carry all documents in an order in a folder with multiple pouches (Like harmonium folder). So that you can put different set of documents into different pouches (like University documents set, Scores set, Marks sheets set, financial documents set, property documents set etc) it will be very easy for you to remove and present them to VO without any time waste, whenever asked for. The speed at which you are able to show the relevant document whenever asked for also counts a lot.
At Interview
* Use formal dress to appear for interview.
* Use Executive clothing; deep and bright colors may not suit the occasion.Clothes have to be clean and ironed to represent order and discipline.
* Carry only relevant documents.
* Do not present any certificates unless asked for.
* Remember to collect all the certificates given for perusal at the interview. And if you had any doubts clarify there itself.
* Greet the interviewer first, even if VO is not listening or not looking at you.
* While answering questions remember to look at the interviewer instead of looking down. Keep continuous eye contact with visa officer throughout the interview.
* Avoid bad body language and mannerisms like touching moustache, scratching nose, or arranging hair or any kind of unwanted things as per the interview norms.
* Listen to questions carefully to comprehend. If you have not understood a question, politely request for a repeat.
* Give short answers unless asked for longer ones. If possible always be prepared with two sets of answers for questions, both long and short. First give short answer and if VO asks for details then give long answer or explain in detail. So that you will be still in comfort zone.
* Exude confidence but not arrogance.
* Mouth all words clearly and speak loud enough to hear.
* Answer immediately without wasting time.
* Avoid being too humorous or ironical in your answers. But little fun with good sense of humor is always welcome.
* Keep looking at the VO and never at other things in the room or at other counters.
* Don't become conscious of others looking at you or watching. Remember its your visa and your future. Between VO and you no one exists.
* Give authentic information about any details connected with your documents. Remember they can cross-verify any detail within no time.
• Answers should not be given in a raised voice even when the question comes in that manner. Remember VO will be having tough time too, with huge volumes of applicants and asking same questions and listening almost identical answers day in and day out. They too will be under great pressure to issue a visa till the applicant intentions and arranging of funds are made clear to them. It's not that we should feel comfortable in interview, but in our personal opinion we should also make VO comfortable by presenting all facts and figures in a systematic and organized way of answering, presenting documentary evidence whenever necessary or asked for.
* Never become desperate, wearisome and tiresome even if the interview is going in a long way than expected. Still try to maintain your composure, looking positive, confident and smiling.
* Answer questions in simple single sentences. Use a language that is easy to understand but formal in its usage.
* Avoid giving additional information unless asked for it.
* If you are complimented for your answers, achievements, scores and percentages, remember to thank the VO.
* Avoid repeating the phrases or words. Remember you have gone through GRE and TOEFL and speak accordingly.
* Keep a smiling face so as to welcome any questions.
* It is un-wise to contradict an answer through a subsequent answer. Always stick to the same answer whenever asked for.
* An applicants behavior should convince the VO about the quality of personality that the candidate has.
* Avoid any exhibition of emotions other than the feelings of welcoming questions and ready to give the answers.
* You have to make the answers short, to the point and precise.
* Develop Language skills including good pronunciation and effective expressions.
* Use simple yet forceful language.
* Practice to arrange facts logically.
* Meet difficult questions with a smile.
* Don't be unduly emotional during interview.
* If you present an argument give facts to support it.
* Continue to be pleasant throughout
• * Learn about research areas in your major at your university.
* Be confident and positive throughout, and apply presence of mind.
* Don't contradict your previous answer in your next answer.
* Have a good memory of CA statement b4 going to consulate – Various sources of incomes and amounts.
* Stick to same answers even if Vo is asking the same questions again and again.
* Write your name address phone no passport no at back of DD's or write as per your consulate rules
* Sign i-20 before going to consulate.
* Be relaxed and don't show that you are desperate to go to US.
* Avoid calling the officers Sir excessively, which will be irritating to them.
* Avoid saying pardon, come again, I didn't get you, Just say something expecting question based on document in his hand. * If you guessed wrong question he will question you again.
* Watch the lips of the person while you are at counter as if you are not able to listen to them cause of bad quality of speakers, you can at-least guess question from lip movements, at worst you can at-least understand VO is asking you something.
* Don't give more information than needed or asked by them.
* Answer only to question; do not try to justify your answer unless asked.
* Do not let your answers contradict values from your Statements. Be careful in this regard.
* Study thoroughly the complete documentation mentioned in the CA statement, especially if it is family friend and be prepared for questions on them like what is the sponsor's income, what is the value of the property, how much of the funds is in liquid / semi-liquid form.
* Be prepared with convincing / strong reasons for returning to your homeland. (Present and Future employment options of your chosen field, Family, business, financial set-up, etc.)
* Make Eye contact. Look at VO when he/she is speaking. Don't look away while answering or listening.
* Act natural.
* Listen to the question carefully and let the interviewer complete the question before you answer.
FINAL note:
• Just be cool, confident and vibe well with VO.
* Whenever there's a chance, flash a smile.
* Whenever an embarrassing question was asked, and you don't know how to answer, just flash a smile, have two invisible deep breaths and start saying the relevant thing.
* Be positive in all actions and expect positive outcome. Have good body language.
* Even the interview is going the other way also don't loose your confidence. Things will be on-track again in your favor if you are confident and stay positive.
* Don't give big answers, just precise and to-the-point answers will do, unless asked for.
* No need to explain tons and tons of things.
* Have a precise answer for how you are arranging funds. Give a gist of your sponsor's financial position and if VO asks to explain, then only give detailed answer for that. Be prepared with a good answer, both precise one and a detailed one.
* Don't show any document until asked for.
* Most important thing is presence of mind and with that you should be able to get the interview always on track. It's only in you how to get the interview back on track.
* Looking good and confident.
* Looking disciplined and organized.
* Sounding natural in accent and communication.
* Maintaining eye-to-eye contact with VO throughout interview.
* Staying positive throughout.
* Clarity of thought in expressing views.
* Speaking Loud with confidence.
* Having good presence of mind.
* Showing good knowledge about your area of interest.
* Having good and credible future plans.
* Proving you as a serious student in studies.
* A little bit of sense of humor.
* Exude professionalism in whatever you do &
* Smile and put Visa Officer at ease.
1) Greet the visa officer by saying hello. In a day half the people forget to say because of the nervous. So don’t be nervous and say hello.
2) We can asses by viewing each person what is the purpose he is going to us? And he pointed one person beside him and immediately told that this guy need B1/B2 Visa for training in his project in US. Yes, He was right. He the told “ I told because by seeing the shirt (TATA logo) and the tag in his neck.
3) Please give only the Consulate folder. ( Consulate will verify all your DS-forms, I20, passport when you entered and put it in a folder and returned to you. Then you will be directed to a different building. This is of VISA issue building.)
4) Don’t give any other documents to VO unless he asked. He said all the remaining doucments are only to support the forms in the consulate given folder.
5) Because accents is different put the effort to understand what is he asking? Pay attention , listen, understand and asnswer the questions.
6) Finally he warned all the people who put fake certificates. He said, we are right 95 times out of 100. If we are sure that your documents are fake we reject you and the chances become worse for next times also. We allow you to play $100 but second and 3rd times also we reject. We don’t tell you the reason why?
So my suggestion is people who are giving the documentation to the consultancies verify twice or thrice make sure you don’t find any mistakes in your documentation. Otherwise you will be the looser. So know what is in the documents exactly. Read them understand them. Know the purpose of the different documents. Don’t foget to write your name in your native language on DS-157 or DS-158. Don’t make any mistakes in filling these forms.
You will have enough time to present the documents the visa officer has asked. Don’t be hurry in searching a document. Remember and practice where you have kept the documents in your folder. Be patient while standing in the line. Be attentive. Each interview last for 1 or 2 minutes only. Put your all efforts to be confident and pay attention. Be honest in your answers. Be concise also. Dont give long stories to them. Answer to the point and confidently, truly. That is enough. I guess this will help you a lot in getting your visas.
Visa is in your Hands Go and get it
Hi my visa was approved on 7th June I don’t want tell anything about the procedure coz it is well evident to u.
But I want to tell u one thing
Regarding rejections main criteria for rejection is number of backlogs (30%) and Bank statements (70%)
VOS encounter with many students with different profiles and lets leave students who are having great profiles and it’s a cake walk to them.
But what about students who are having average and weak profiles for such type of students VO mainly concentrate on their Bank Statements.
See either u must have a great profile or you must Have strong bank statements.
But if u don’t meet either of the two Damn ur visa will be rejected.
This is a word to students with average and weak profiles If U are asked to show your bank statements which means u got an opportunity to put up ur authenticity.
Generally speaking VOS know that u will accumulate money just one and half month before the visa interview coz nobody will have money in the account 1 year or 2 years before the visa interview and that’s damn true.
So What I mean to say is Even if u have accumulated money 1 month before the interview show him the proofs how u got all the funds And proofs play a major role in the interview
Generally if applicants are asked show their bank statements they show
Account confirmation letter
Pass book
Past 6 months transaction sheet (I accept that these are enough)
But if Vo asks u how u got all these funds in this month how will u answer???
So I suggest u carry proofs for every transaction. Then if the Vo asks u how u got the funds in this month then u can show the proof then the VO will be convinced and the next moment ur visa will be approved even though if ur profile is bad.
My interview lasted for 30 seconds as usually might not be helpful to u??
Percentage, parents, bank statements were not asked.
But I am also attaching possible visa questions and the way to answer them
What do u expect from the university??
I believe the program offered will help me to acquire the versatility and full potential as a professional in my field.
Why Don’t you do this course in your country??
See this is a tricky question don’t ever try to degrade our country by saying no research no sophisticated infrastructure nor praise U.S.A if u answer in such a way Vo will not be pleased.
You can attend the question like
The research and infrastructure my university provides can be acquired even in India also but only offered in prestigious institutes which are few in number and hence great competition so I opted U.S.
Talk about your academic grades????
Tell him your percentage and where u stand in the class.
Would u like to do PHD after masters???
Don’t ever bluntly say no do u know the logic behind , now a days visa is approved for 5 years which mean an international student can complete his masters along with PHD.
VO’S expects us to pursue our PHD also.
Why US??
TO pursue my masters in XXXX in XXXXXX university.
How did u come to know about the university??
Don’t ever say my friend suggested me and such sort of answers.
Attend like this
After giving GRE and ToeFL I forwarded my profile to Sites like I20fever and F1 Study and they suggested me some couple of universities and later I mailed to the students over there and got a positive feed back.
Why this specific university????
Don’t say stuff like it suits my profile best among my admits.
Attend like this
XXXX is a research extensive university and there 23 affiliated research centers and among 5 are dedicated my Dept.Tell him How your university is getting funds and endowments. And also tell him the current research going in your dept and further tell him you interest in that area.
What does U.S mean to u???
It’s a destination to do may masters.+
Why do u want to study in U.S???
U.S encourages international students.
Globally recognized degree.
Global exposure through which I can develop professionally which enhance my skills.
Why MS????
My undergraduation covers only fundamentals of Engg. I don’t want to be ajack of all and I want to specialize in one particular field (specify your field of interest) for which I need masters.
Do u know anyone in US????
Don’t say no and you not supposed to talk about your relatives but tell him that u know some of your seniors pursuing masters there.
What will do if your Visa is rejected???
Give me one good reason to approve your visa???
Sir I have fulfilled all the requirements of the American consulate and moreover I am academically good enough and financially strong. I have belief that I will not be let down. Even if I didn’t convince u I analyze where I have gone wrong and apply once again.
Why did u get rejected from other universities???
Its due large number of applicants prevailing competition might created this scenario.
Is it worth spending this much amount of money on your masters??
I am determined to do masters and both of my parents were Post graduates and they do appreciate quality education moreover they are financially sound encouraging me to do masters which is my dream.
Who is sponsoring you??
My parents are going to sponsoring me.
How are they doing so???
Sir I have XXXX lakhs in my saving account in support to that I have FDs worth XXX,
Lic policies, PFs,in addition to that we have fixed assets worth XXX.
Do u think it’s a burden to u parents to fund U??
Confidental say NO tell him about your Parents work experience and their annual income and regarding their PF and other sorts of income.
What is application of your work( your course)??
I opted wireless technologies and it is applied in home automation, commercial building automation ,industrial plant monitoring,cell phones,consumer electronics.like
These type of questions must be answered with solid technical stuff and vo can know that we know something.
Why electrical engineering???
As the usages of electrical goods are necessarily increasing in the modern world so equal number of opportunities are there for electrical engg Moreover my under graduation is also done in the same stream.
Why do u want to specialize in wireless???
It is a track which features latest and emerging technologies I got fascination towards wireless technologies like Blutooyh, Wifi, Wimax, 3g, 4g and Zigbee.
Why international exposure required??
This helps me to develop professionally which enhances my skills.
Name the professors under which you are going to study??
You can get the answer from your respective university website.
Why do u want to go for masters instead of working here??
I am determined to do masters so I have not attended campus placements which are held in Our College I don’t want to to join in an entry level job with masters degree I will be recruited in a hierarchically.
How do u think you fared??
I did just fine.
What scope you have for this in your country???
Wirless is most emerging field in India companies like reliance Tata are investing hundreds of millions in this field. India is second market for Siemens Company in asia.
Tell VO regarding Companies which are pertinent to ur field.
Tell me something about ur undergraduation???
I am guy from E.C.E. In the first year I was brushed with fundamentals of engg likeXXX and in later years I was introduced to the core subjects like XXXXXXXX..
Why AWA score was less????
As it is the first section in the exam I was bit tensed about the time
Regarding GRE and ToeFl scores???
As far as your GRE & TOEFL scores are concerned, your TOEFL score might be better in comparision with the GRE score, so talk about your TOEFL score first. For your GRE score being low, say that you lost your marks in the initial ques and even though you improved and did well in the later part of the exam, you were not able to pull up your scores, say that you had put in your best efforts. Do admit that scores are less if they say so, however also explain that you had put in your best efforts. Let them know that these scores are average and hence you have your admits as well.
How many Backlogs????
Tell him accordingly. And don’t forget to tell him that you have cleared all of them.
Why u didn’t fare well in your undergraduation
Sir, the day when i joined in my UG i have elected as a comity member. So i have participated in so many cultural activities and also i am a team member. I thought that i can balance between my studies and sports.But i didn't do it 100%.The day when i have realized i resigned all my memberships and completely concentrated on my studies.Cleared all my backlogs and cleared the last year subjects without any backlogs with first class percent.Now i desperately want to do Masters for my bright future.
The Most Important Factor
Let me tell you something. The most important factor is "CONFIDENCE". Nothing can depose that. Whatever the answer be, if you are confident and show that you aren't nervous a bit, that will really help you get through. Complete Documents, Convincing Skills, Confidence and Present mindedness is what you have to invest. These are the keys to getting through the interview successfully. Many do get through because of sheer luck, when some of the casual officers just seem to be in a hurry to get through with the troop of VISA aspirants facing their counter.
But then I believe that your parents do all the job of putting together all the financial documents and stuff. The only thing you need to do is to put a confident self of yours over there.
These are not the only questions that are asked, they might come up with any other alien stuff. But then present mindedness and spontaneity is what helps under those situations. You have to be prepared with an answer the moment he shoots a question at you.
Don't make a face as if you just committed a sin. Hand over the documents and look at him. Remember , all your documents are as genuine as your Birth-Certificate ;).
What will be your total expenses during the course?
This is very important. Please tell according to your fee mentioned on i20.
Tell me about your finances/what your annual income is / tell me about your incomes. What’s your father total annual income?
As soon as you hear this question PLEASE tell him about your TOTAL annual income and after that you can say my father annual income is this ,my mothers is this and through rent .... and through agriculture XXX ….if you have other resources you can say them. So with this my father’s TOTAL annual income is XXX.
Visa Officer will be pleased with this answers.
If you say my fathers income (salary is) 2.5 lakhs and later if you plan to say other income resources, Visa Officer wont be interested to listen all that stuff. So please tell him total annual income FIRST.
Who are your sponsors?
TELL accordingly.
Don’t you think it is burden on your parents to fund your education?
NO mam/sir.I don’t think so. MY parents have been working for the past 20 years. They have accumulated me xxx amount of money and xxx amount of bank balance through savings. So I don’t find any problem to fund my education. Please be careful with the figures of your parent’s salaries and bank balance and property assets. If your bank balance is 20laks 30 thousand 202 rupees u can say around 20lakhs …ok be careful with that.
Have u taken the loan ?
Tell accordingly. If Yes, then you have to show the proof for it..
Please don’t listen to the crap like, if you show loan it will jeopardize your chances etc.
Showing a loan is not at all a problem
Do you own a Car?
Please tell them you own it even if u don’t have. Because your showing huge amount of money as assets and bank balance. So tell them you own and tell them model and also car number.
IF they ask you to show your documents.
Firstly show them your CA report...Don’t try to give your folder...
IF they ask for CE and bank statement then give them.
I feel that for your annual income, you may find it difficult to fund your education in USA .How do u tackle?
NO mam/sir. I don’t think so. MY parents have been working for the past 20 years. They have accumulated me xxx amount of money and xxx amount of bank balance through savings. So I don’t find any problem to fund my education. Please be careful with the figures of your parent’s salaries and bank balance and property assets.
Do you have any siblings (Brothers & Sisters)? What are they ??
It’s better to bluff here. If you say your siblings are studying...Like 4th b.tech...etc...
You may be exposed to another question. How will your parents can sponsor them etc...
Remember... Whatever the bluff, you have to defend it. Please take care with D.S forms. Because they will check your DS forms. While your answering for such a Question...
If they found you are lying. Then for no doubt they will reject the visa. So be careful with that. Please try to remember what you had written in your DS forms
Why these backlogs..
FREINDS backlogs don’t matter.[/b]
But what matters is how u defend them and which VO you’re facing.
If the VO is cool then she will easily get convinced with your answers.
If the V.O is stern. Then u have 2 show your acting capabilities..
The only thing matter here is how u can convince the V.O
If u have all the backlogs in first 3 sems you are lucky.
u can say" i have all these backlogs in first 3 sems. I have participated in extra curricular activities like paper presentations and also involved in sports. So I couldn’t concentrate on studies. Later with the guidance of professors and seniors I have cleared them. I have got good marks in the subject which I am going to take specialization and more over I got good % in 4-2 project work which can be attained only through practical knowledge.
Back logs in Final Year.3-2, 4-1, 4-2 you can say unfortunately my exam dates were clashed with GRE and TOEFL exam dates so I couldn’t concentrate on that. Even u can show this reason for your Low Scores
QUESTION PAPER WAS HARD .so I failed in those subjects.
I was Sick. Health problems during the exam..
These answers will reduce your chances.
Why less in GRE
AS GRE is a computer based test few questions went wrong initially. So I couldn’t improve my score later even after performing well.
Same answer for TOEFL.
Why haven’t you applied for the universities mentioned in your score report?
At the time of taking test I haven’t seriously thought about the university
once I get to know my scores I started a search
What you will do if your Visa is rejected?
Why should I issue a visa?
If u had any gap in your education, then you might expect this question.
What were u doing from ----- till now?
I was attending class for C, C++, Java n other
networking courses..
Why u didn’t work?
In India if we have to work, they will ask you for one or
two years bond... I don’t want to do it... my first priority
is studies... I want to finish my master’s and gear up for
future before I join some company.
Groundwork for my interview
• What is the purpose of your trip?
To pursue my masters in EE at CSU, LA
• Why do you wish to pursue the program that you have applied to?
As I have a keen interest in the working of electronics which are the backbone of today’s world I have chosen EE in my undergraduate studies, I wish to enhance my skill expertise and knowledge
• Which university are you planning to go to?
• Why do you want to attend this school?
CSUN in LA is one of the best schools for research in EE and I liked the work of Dr. XXXXX & Dr. YYYYYY both of whose I feel is very much related to my final year project
• Name some other schools that you have applied to?
• Why did you select this University?
LA is commercial capital on the west coast, this would provide me with ample opportunities to experience a wholesome life and moreover the climate is similar to my hometown Hyderabad
• How did you came to know about this university?
Seniors at college have guided me in my research for applications. In this regard, taking into account the research work, I have chosen this university.
• Have you contacted any professor in your university?
CSUN in LA is one of the best schools for research in EE and I liked the work of Dr. XXXXX & Dr. YYYYYY both of whose I feel is very much related to my final year project
• Who is sponsoring you?
My parents,
• any relatives in the US?
• Why is your TOEFL score low?
As it was the first time, maybe due to nerves, but that doesnot mean my English is bad, as I have a very competitive IELTS score of 7, which emphasizes on the grip I have on my communication skill in eng.
• What are your greatest achievements?
There are many memorable but the most memorable of them is me being elected as the President of the IEEE student chapter of my college, with strength of 1000 students.
• What are you plans after completing your studies?
I wish to pursue my research in nanotechnology/ chip development
• Is it worth spending a huge amount for your graduate program in USA
To quench the thirst of knowledge I feel no sum of money is high spending
• what guarantees can u give for returning to u r country
I have a sister who needs my responsibility and parents who are ageing fast, I wish they not continue their hard work but retire early and enjoy their old age
• How many universities have you applied?
6 of which I have been admitted into 5
• How many I20 did you got?
• Have you got any aid from your university?
No, but I have promising conversations with professors who I’m sure will be keen to give me a GA
• If u are not given a visa, then what is u r next plan?
I have been taken in as a trainee Engineer at cyber motion Company, which is the foremost in chip development, but I wish to peruse my masters and quench my thirst for knowledge in the field of embedded systemsPurpose of visit
To pursue masters degree at the university of Massachusetts Dartmouth in electronics and communication engineering with specialization in VLSI design and applied electromagnetism
Research avenues are plenty and that gives a chance of rich practical exposure
Why not other countries
I have not opted for other countries because the best option is USA
Some candid Tips:-
[b]1) Make yourself presentable.
2) Wear a smile on ur face. And don’t forget to greet the Officer.
3) Visa Officer’s are good human beings. They try to make applicants as comfortable as possible.
4) Try wearing pink or white colored clothes. As per psychological studies Pink and White colors represent a clean and an honest soul. And pink color is considered luck as well.
5) Don’t lean on the table in front of the Visa Officer. Remember that the mic is very sensitive and u don’t have to lean onto it to make urself audible to the Visa Officer.
6) Do not worry if ur English isn’t fluent. Just be honest and it will do the trick.
7) Believe that you can make it. Don’t go with a negative attitude.
And finally do not read the messages posted on the VISA Denial Forum before your VISA day. They are discouraging. Read the VISA approved stories[/b]
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